
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Weigh-in Update

Not going to lie, I couldn't wait to get home and post this update! I was down 3.2 pounds this week, making my total for January 8.2 pounds! I mentioned before how in 2015 I was showing up to my sessions, and I was following my meal plans, but I wasn't showing up 100% focused and in it and I actually gained some of the weight back. I started out 2016 focused, strong, and committed to my health and fitness 100% physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. And that's what I've been doing daily and the results are showing. I know every week won't be 3 or 4 pounds, but I know every week I'm going to be showing up #allin and each week I will get one step closer to my goals!

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